Moorings for Sale / Rent

Moorings Northland provides a FREE service to our customers to list moorings for sale or rent on this website.  You can also see where the listed moorings are located via Google Earth.

  • Complete online application here
  • View listings here

Following the receipt of your application we will enter your mooring on the website at the earliest opportunity.   If you need some help call +64 9 402 6939.

Renting moorings is becoming increasingly popular as there are periods when moorings in certain areas are popular to rent.  Rents are subject to normal supply and demand pressures and can also be seasonal with rents rising in summer months.  Longer term rents tend to be discounted 15% to 25%.  Renting moorings are a great way to defray mooring ownership costs.

If you are thinking of buying or renting an existing mooring make sure that the mooring has:

  • A current Certificate of Inspection
  • That it has adequate swing room for your vessel;
  • That the mooring makeup is suitable for the size of your vessel.

Note: If in doubt, check it out – contact Moorings Northland on +64 9 402 6939.

Important Information about selling and rent moorings…..

  • If selling a mooring a Sale Transfer form must be completed and filed with the Northland Regional Council.  This form must completed by both the owner and purchaser and forwarded to the Northland Regional Council with their transfer fee.
  • Once the mooring has been rented its important the Northland Regional Council is advised and given details of the vessel owner and the vessel that will using the mooring.  The person renting the mooring must also ensure that the mooring is far enough away from other moorings and that its design is suitable for the intended vessel.  The Harbourmaster can be notified by email to or post to Northland Regional Council, Private Bag 9021, Whangarei.
  • The mooring owner must ensure that the mooring has a current Certificate of Inspection to qualify for listing.  If you need a certificate call Moorings Northland 09 402 6939 or click here to book a service.
  • Following the sale / renting of a mooring, the onus is on the (original) owner of the mooring to advise Moorings Northland so that the listing can be removed.
  • Renting your mooring does not necessarily mean your mooring is suitable for that vessel. Check with the Harbroumaster’s office.

General Responsibilities as a Mooring Holder

The Northland Regional Council states the the following general responsibilities required of mooring owners:

  • Swing mooring owners must regularly check the to end of moorings for damage or deterioration to the rope and anti-chafe hose.  If repairs are needed, please contact Moorings Northland.
  • Sunken moorings must be raised and checked – call Moorings Northland.
  • Any substandard or damaged buoy should be replaced at the time of its next inspection.  Moorings Northland has been advised by the Northland Regional Council to replace mooring buoys that are cracked, holed or handle-less.
  • Moorings must not be relocated without prior written approval from the Northland Regional Council.
  • Moorings owners must ensure the correct mooring number is clearly inscribed into the mooring buoy.
  • Larger/longer vessels can’t be placed on your mooring without approval of the Harbourmaster.
  • The Harbourmaster must be contacted if the vessel using the mooring changes.
  • Contact the Northland Regional Council 0800 002 004 if you have any questions.

Disclaimer of liability:

The mooring owner/lessee/purchaser etc acknowledges and accepts responsibility for his/her decisions, information and instruction provided in any listing and subsequent transaction and that Moorings Northland may rely on this and that no liability or consequential loss will attach to Moorings Northland for any loss or damage suffered by anyone or any vessel.  By making this application the mooring owner accepts responsibility for compliance with Northland Regional Council swing mooring regulations.  Moorings Northland provides this service only to facilitate a sale and renting market and does not, as part of this service, certify or suggest or otherwise that moorings are suitable for renting or sale.  No liability whatsoever is accepted for the performance of any swing mooring arising from transactions undertaken as part of this service.